Luckily, guano cleanup is part of the job when it comes to bat removal. When you have bats. You have guano, and guano cleanup isn’t as simple as sweeping it up, we use specialized equipment that is designed to remove all material in attic areas. Material such as insulation, bat guano, old debris, and any other item that is in the attic area can all be contaminated. It is highly recommended to get the Guano removed as soon as possible from your home in Lexington County.
Our vacuums are designed to remove all of the contaminants all at once, including contaminates in the insulation. Significantly decreasing the time that our company spends in your contaminated attic. These Vacuums are very expensive, and only companies that do this kind of job on a regular basis can own these machines. Beware of companies that rent these machines, if they are not used to this kind of work, then they are not qualified to perform the job. Unqualified companies could not only leave guano behind, but they could spread it even further in your attic, and possibly your ventilation system creating a dangerous situation for you family.